Hello to all my patients, the Dr. is in. Many things have changed over the last few years but I have still been plugging away. One thing that has been the biggest change is how I spend my free time. I still watch horror movies and tv shows, I actually just finished watching Stranger Things and I cant say enough good things about that show. But the thing I spend most of my free time on now is Magic the Gathering. It has become a small passion of mine and I started a blog about mtg that I hope you will check out http://heisenbrew.tumblr.com/
I am going to start writing on here again as well. My first article back on here will actually tie into Magic as the current storyline is very Lovecraftian in nature with a good bit of cosmic and body horror. So check out Brewing Bad and keep your eyes on here too, I have many prescriptions to fill.
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Monday, August 8, 2016
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
American Horror Story starts tonight!!
American Horror Story Coven premiers tonight. The cast looks stellar and the plot line looks less convoluted then last season. We will review it for you tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
October is the most wonderful month of the year
For us, the horror junkies and un-dead, October is the month we covet the most. Halloween is almost upon us and that means for 31 days we can educate anyone that will listen about our genre, horror movies and TV shows. The Walking Dead returns to us on the 13th and AMC Fear Fest is right around the corner. Today I start my countdown to our favorite holiday with a new blog post everyday. This month I am starting with a question to all my loyal readers. What horror movie is your favorite and why? What is the one you cannot live without? I will review every movie you guys mention and in one week reveal my favorite horror film and review it. Follow me on twitter @drgoremans
Friday, September 27, 2013
20 Interesting facts about Halloween the movie
Here are some interesting facts about the original Halloween by John Carpenter.
70's horror,
80's horror,
john carpenter
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Halloween is fast approaching
After more then a year since I have posted anything, starting October 1st I am returning with a vengeance on a regular basis again. Its time for me to get the ax out of the closet and start chopping again. All new news, reviews, and articles about everything horror. Follow me on Twitter @jrbthebuilder. Let the games begin. And oh yes, there will be blood-Rick Axtothefacenheimer
80s horror,
horror movie news,
horror movie reviews
Monday, May 16, 2011
Santas Slay Review
Even though Christmas is still seven months away, I couldn't help but watch Bill Goldberg as a killer Santa.
bill goldberg,
santas slay,
Saturday, May 14, 2011
John Carpenters The Thing Review
Last night I was tinkering around on Netflix and saw that one of the best horror movies of the 80's was watchable instantly. I kicked back with a mountain dew and hit play on The Thing.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
One Year Ago...
Exactly one year ago today I posted an article discussing horror and the summer blockbuster at theaters. Lets see where we stand 365 days later.
fright night,
summer blockbuster,
Super 8
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Daybreakers Review
Well I decided to throw caution to the wind and sat through the vampire flick Daybreakers. I want my hour and a half back.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Is The Truly Original Horror Film Dead?
This is a question many of us horror fans have been asking ourselves as most of our beloved 80's films are being remade.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
My Problem With Netflix
So I am a little behind the trend and just started my one month free trial with Netflix. Already, I don't like it.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I will be returning soon!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
10 Questions With Felissa Rose

Our own Dr. Carnage had the chance to ask Sleepaway Camp star Felissa Rose 10 questions and here they are.
80's horror,
Dr. Carnage,
Felissa Rose,
sleepaway camp
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Battle Of The Kick Ass Alcohol Commercials
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