This is a question many of us horror fans have been asking ourselves as most of our beloved 80's films are being remade.
But aside from the endless remakes, most of the horror being churned out is just a rehash of a very tired and worn out mould. Over the last decade there have been very few original takes on the genre. I can think of Dog Soldiers, Let The Right One In, Pontypool, and House Of The Devil as some of the only films to make a great impact on the community. The majority of good, original horror, has been a product of the independent scene. Which begs the question, has Hollywood lost its mojo when it comes to horror? What do you guys think? What have been your favorite horror films of the last ten years and can Hollywood horror make a comeback?
It'll come back around. It always does.
ReplyDeleteI always believe in horror and I'm sure it'll come back eventually. I think the current problem is that most mainstream horror is made for and targeted at people who don't like horror. They seem to assume that the horror fans will always show so focus is on getting everyone else in by trying to dazzle them with pretty people from the TV and shiny, shiny stuff. Which is offensive to all of us really. Weirdly, last night I was thinking about Dog Soldiers and how great it is, and this morning as I was walking into work I was thinking about House of the Devil being great, then you mention both of them.