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Monday, March 15, 2010

Your Dream Fights Or Team Ups In Horror

HorrorBlips: vote it up!

Alright everyone, we want to know what your dream fights or team ups would be within the world of horror.
Maybe Critters Vs Gremlins or Ghostbusters Meets The Monster Squad? Tell us your thoughts. And do you think your idea would be done better as a movie or comic book?


  1. i always wanted a rematch between Tina and Jason from Part VII The New Blood. For some reason I always loved the psychic chic idea and Kane Hodder coming on board and breathing life into a dead Voorhees didn't hurt either.
    She really didn't start to get the hang of her powers until the end. I'd like to see her come back having had practice. Especially with what they can do with effects nowadays. I know it'll never happen, but it would be cool as hell to see, you gotta admit.

  2. I thought that was one of the better fights in the Friday films. She was able to give Jason a run for his money which I enjoyed. I don't think he would be much of a contender against her if she had years of practice. It would be very cool to see it done again and with the way Hollywood is now, I wouldn't be surprised if every Friday movie got a remake.
